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Category Information Technology
Course Name Principles of Digital Communications
Code IT14
Duration 5 days



·    1) Introduction to digital communication

• standardization of interfaces and classes

• Sources Contact

• communication channels

• Digital link

• Additional Reading

2) encryption of discrete sources

• Introduction

• fixed-length codes for discrete sources

• variable-length codes for discrete sources

• the possibilities of discrete sources models

• a minimum L model coding and encryption pre fi x-free codes

• Entropy and fi xed on the variable-length codes

• AEP and theories encryption source

• Markov sources

• Data compression Lempel Ziv World

3) Quantization

• Introduction to the quantization

• What is the Scalar quantization?

• quantization prompt

• Entropy encrypted

• a high proportion of Entropy encrypted

• What Deferential entropy

• High performance ratio scalar quantizers

• quantizers dual high degree of dimensional

4) Vector spaces and signal space

• axioms basic qualities vector spaces

• producing internal voids

• rules and theories




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