1 2 3 4
Category Process & Operation
Course Name Fundamentals of Logistics management
Code FP15
Duration 5 days


Fundamentals of Logistics management


Course Objective

§  The course gives an introduction to logistics. It can be used by anyone who is meeting the subject for the first time.

§  The course gives a broad description of logistics, covering all the main concepts. It discusses the topics in enough depth to provide material for a complete course.

§  Understanding of the role played by the logistics and supply chain function, particularly in terms of its key activities and ultimate aim.

§  Recognize the role and impacts of the logistics function both within the organization and externally.

§  Recognize trends and modern practices in supply chain and logistics management.

§  You’ll learn how to implement logistical strategies in a business setting.

§  You’ll learn how to develop, plan, and implement logistics and supply chain strategies that address capacity, external integration, and international trade and operations.

  • Describe role of shipping in logistics and identify opportunities for operational improvement.

Course Outline

     Chapter 1 Modern Logistics definition

1.1 What Is Logistics?

1.2 Why Logistics?

1.3 Logistics System

1.4 Logistics Cycle: Organizing Logistics System Activities

1.5 Key Logistics Terms

1.6 Functions of Logistic Centers

1.7 Process Chains and Logistic Chains

1.8 Effects of Logistic Centers

1.9 Network Management

1.10 Task of Logisticians


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Logistics in business practice

2.3 Design of logistics system

2.4 Material and information flow

2.5 Organizing for logistics

2.6 Organizational form

2.7 Implications for management

2.8 Guidelines for selection

Chapter 3 Strategies of Logistics

3.1 Target Functions and Target Figures

3.2 Clustering, Sequencing, Securing

3.3 System Strategies

3.4 Methods of Solution and Optimization

3.5 Solution and Optimization Procedure

3.6 Segmentation and Classification

3.7 Specialization and Universality

3.8 ABC-Analysis

3.9 Logistic Article Classifications

Chapter 4 Role of warehousing in logistics

4.1 Functions of Warehousing

4.2 Warehousing’s Role in the Supply Chain

4.3 Benefits of WMS

4.4 Impact of Improper warehousing and distribution

Chapter 5 Production Logistics

5.1 Modes and Types of Production

5.2 Production Performance

5.3 Production Planning

5.4 Production Scheduling

5.5 Procurement and Dispatch Scheduling

5.6 Bottleneck Strategies

5.7 Logistical Optimization of Production

Chapter 6 Reverse logistics and recycling 149

6.1 Background

6.2 Reverse logistics and recycling

6.3 Product recovery options

6.4 Recycling

6.5 Regulations 171

Chapter 7 Risk, corporate social responsibility and ethics

7.1 Background

7.2 Risk in logistics and supply chains

7.3 Corporate social responsibility

7.4 Ethical framework and codes of conduct

7.5 Global and industrial initiatives

Chapter 8 maritime logistics and its value

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Maritime logistics in concept

8.3 Maritime logistics value defined

8.4Strategic significance of maritime logistics value

8.5 Concluding remarks

Chapter 9Bulk Shipping Market

 9.1 Introduction

9.2 The Shipping Market

9.2.1 New Buildings

9.2.2 Second-hand Vessels

9.2.3 Demolition Vessels

9.2.4 Freight Rate

9.2.5 Seaborne Trade

9.3 The Empirical Model

9.4 Determinant of Fleet Size of Bulk Shipping

                9.5 Discussion and Conclusions 




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